Some studies about SLEEP

Take note 1 vài studies của mình về SLEEP. Why is it so easy to get off the track while it's so hard to get back on track again nhi, always!!? Terms and Definitions: Body clock: aka internal or biological clock mechanisms that control the cycle that gives the body cues when it's time for … Continue reading Some studies about SLEEP

What I’ve learnt about SALES, INTERVIEWING, E-COMMERCE METRICS, & some other things

It's been 1 month and I got enough of talking about myself ;)) No matter what results could be, I have already gained the kinda lots of things about job hunting, interviewing, etc. (just now I collected a collection of my CVs - from 2014 till now - 5 years and I got 5 CVs … Continue reading What I’ve learnt about SALES, INTERVIEWING, E-COMMERCE METRICS, & some other things