
About Me


2017-2018 VERSION © 

20-21 years old. Living & permanently in love with Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City)

I choose to be happy and will relentlessly live for myself – to be myself & do what I want. To be a strong enough to able to be happy by/with myself, not to rely on anyone/anything else.


Eager to discover and experience, to see the world thru multiple lens.

I decide to get back to writing as a way to keep balanced in life.

2016 VERSION © 

19 years old. From Hanoi, Vietnam. Currently living in Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City.

‘Growing-up’ is only word I could think of to describe myself. I’m changing everyday, and yes, in the midst of figuring out who I am.

Eager to discover and experience, to see the world thru multiple lens.

I love writing, since the day I first knew how to write.  But for a very long time, I have been forgetting (neglecting) about this hobby. And now, when life gets busier and lonelier, I decide to get back to writing as a way to free my thoughts and de-stress myself.




Travel, to me, is the best reward I would give to myself.

Travel, the greatest thing about it is that, it gives me a chance to escape from daily life and temporarily leave aside all problems.  I love the feeling when I can tell myself ‘okay, it’s fine to forget about it for a while’ and emerge myself in a ‘whole’ new world. Travel, it brings to me a kinda another life, temporarily.

And travel, I do believe that ‘Travel far enough, you meet yourself’.

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