Some studies about SLEEP

Take note 1 vài studies của mình về SLEEP. Why is it so easy to get off the track while it’s so hard to get back on track again nhi, always!!?

Terms and Definitions:

  • Body clock: aka internal or biological clock
    • mechanisms that control the cycle that gives the body cues when it’s time for many functions: sleep, eat, etc. (aka circadian rhythm)
    • is located in a part of the brain’s hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
  • Melatonin: sleep signalling hormone
  • Sleep schedule: how you actually sleep
  • Body clock is influenced by:
    • external cues: lights & temperature
    • behaviours: activity level, delaying sleep
    • internal cues: hormones, genes, …

How to reset the body clock

1 – Gradually Adjust: = to scale back the bed time & wake time until the desired hours

  • Go slow and in small increments
  • Adjust 15 minutes earlier every 2 or 3 days:
    • how many hours to scale back x no. of days need to finish?
    • set bedtime 15′ earlier on Sunday, re-set another 15′ on Wed

2 – Pull An All-Nighter (or All Day-er): = to stay up one full day until the next normal bed time

Here’s how to do this technique:

  1. Wake up at your usual time. It could be 7 a.m. or noon. It doesn’t matter in this case.
  2. Stay up until the next night and go to bed at your target bed-time.

As an example, let’s say it’s Friday morning and we woke up at 12 noon. We’ll stay up all day and night (Friday), and then we’ll finally go to bed on Saturday night at our goal time of 11 p.m. In all, we will have been awake for 37 hours.

Light and mild activity could be helpful for staying awake.

Assisting Techniques

  1. Manipulate the Lightnings: avoid blue lights from electronic devices (like 1h before bedtime), start dim lights in the evening, expose to sunlight in the morning
  2. Create Relaxing Nighttime Routines: make bedtime worth looking-forward to:
    • keep room temperature cool
    • take a warm bath close to bedtime
    • light exercises: meditation, stretching yoga, breathing
    • hot milk
    • relaxing music
    • sleeping oil
    • no screen-time, read books instead
    • wear shocks
    • wear eye cover
  3. Make the Morning Bright: make waking up exciting that you look forward for – plan to do sth you like in the morning (WHY)
    • nice breakfast
    • morning exercises …
  4. Choose a Soft Alarm Ring + Don’t Hit Snooze
  5. Try App:

Question is: if I still sleep full hours but my bedtime is too late, is it harmful?

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