What I’ve learnt about SALES, INTERVIEWING, E-COMMERCE METRICS, & some other things

It’s been 1 month and I got enough of talking about myself ;))

No matter what results could be, I have already gained the kinda lots of things about job hunting, interviewing, etc. (just now I collected a collection of my CVs – from 2014 till now – 5 years and I got 5 CVs haha).

What’s remarkable about this job hunting?

  • For every job I applied, I (surprisingly) find someone to help do referral. -> that’s a good signal of networking.
  • I have kinda formula to self-introduction
  • … I have learnt a ‘life-changing’ skill – Reflective Listening


Reflective Listening: https://study.com/academy/lesson/the-difference-between-reflective-active-listening.html

  • Active Listening:
    • Full attention
    • Use body language, eye-contact, facial expression & other phrases like ‘uh huh’, ‘sure’ to encourage speakers
  • Reflective Listening:
    • is Active Listening but:
    • –> Utilise open-ended questions to clarify the speaker’s message
    • –> Paraphrase & summarise speaker’s message
    • –> State the speaker’s feelings back to them & even help the speaker to discover new things about themselves

SPIN Selling:  https://www.yesware.com/blog/spin-selling/

“Conversations in which sellers mostly listen and buyers talk lead to the highest close-win rate.”

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5 sentences to start a meeting with prospectshttp://boft.com/5-great-things-to-say-at-the-start-of-meetings-with-prospective-clients/

1. “I really appreciate you taking the time to see me.”
2. “I’m hoping I can share some ideas of what I’ve seen other organisations implement which may be relevant to you.”
3. “What would you like to get out of this meeting?”
4. “How do you feel about how business is going?”
5. “We have an hour in the diary, are you still OK for a full hour?”

Things to do during the meeting with clients:

  1. Reflective Listening: always show them you’re listening
  2. Show agreement with them
  3. Mirror their actions, pace, …
  4. Stop to check if they’re ok
  5. Be humble

Objection Handling:

L.A.A.R Model:

  • Listening
  • Acknowledge: restate their objection to check if you understand correctly + acknowledge it
  • Ask
  • Respond

Some common objections:

  • Price: –> it’s about VALUE
  • Not urgent or not priority: –> show them what they may lost + offer free trials


  • Objectives must be clear and in-line with the company
  • Know the company’s red flags and stay alert to avoid them
  • Be careful with things you don’t know – try to say something but with caution and acknowledge you’re not sure
  • Always be humble
  • Behavioural Questions –> Tell me one time when you handled crisis with customers, Tell me one time you had to handle a lot of works, …
  • Use structure & framework to answer questions
  • Be clear whether you want the opportunity, especially with ones that being referred by friends

METRICS in E-COMMERCE: https://www.monsterinsights.com/crucial-ecommerce-kpis-to-track-in-google-analytics/


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  • CVR –> Cart Abandonment Rate
  • AOV –> Recommendations for Cross-sell & Up-sell
  • Traffic –> Bounce Rate





And some other things about SEARCH Marketing:

Vài điều khác mình được học vể SEO/SEM ở Climax: (Hôm nào sẽ phải có note về SEO)

  • SEO Audit:
    • ScreamingFrog tool –> to scan the SEO content: meta description, ALT, H1, URL length, …
    • Google Search Console –> how to set up for GG Search Console
  • SEM: Được đi học 1 xúttt buổi Search, as part of Google Training
    • 5 A’s model:
      • Ad Formats –> What is the best Creative to make my ad stand out?
      • Audiences –> How do I identify the most relevant audiences?
      • Always-on –> How can I reach potential customers in all the matter moments?
      • Attribution –> How do I give each interaction due credit?
      • Automation –> How can I spend more time doing strategy while bidding smarter?
    • Ad Formats & Creatives: 
      • Ad Group of 3 or more Ads:

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  • Best Practices for Ad Creative & Extensions:

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  • Audience Targeting:

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